Be safe and check!
Is your Microblading Artist fully qualified?
In the U.K. to perform microblading treatments, the Artist must have attended a certified CPD certified course and attended their training in person. They must have completed all the criteria and earned a certificate from an accredited academy to confirm they’re qualified.
In case you’re wondering, yes I’ve earn my Microblading certificate twice. Firstly, with The Eclipse School of Beauty and secondly with The Phi Academy.

Is your Microblading Artist licensed with their local council?
In the U.K. the room where the microblading treatment is performed must be for solo use of beauty treatments; it can’t be in someone’s living room or bathroom (eww!) The local council must do an inspection of the treatment room to ensure the list hygiene, health and safety criteria. Red flags are rooms with carpet or any fabric furnishings, everything must be wipeable. They will check for valid insurance and to ensure an on going clinical waste and sharps bin collection contract is in place. The council will make random inspections from time to time. A certificate will be issued by the local council and will be displayed in the treatment room.
In case you’re wondering, yes Oh Hello You Beauty has a valid council license.
Does your microblading Artist have a sharps bin and clinical waste contract?
You may be wondering why this is so important. Anything that may have been in contact with blood or any contaminate must be disposed of in the correct manner. It can’t be thrown out with household waste. In the treatment room there should be a yellow lid bin for clinical waste.
A sharps bin is categorised with different coloured lids, yellow lids are standard but where Botox is performed, a purple lid sharps bin will be present. Sharps bins can’t be on the floor. Any tool that penetrates the skin (needles, Microblades, etc) must be disposed of via a sharps bin.
Yes, Oh Hello You Beauty has a contract with 365 direct. It's on the wall of the treatment room along with the sharps injury poster.
Is the Artist fully insured?
Firstly, every insurance company will check if the Artist is qualified to do the treatment. It’s important that the artist is insured for obvious reasons.
Yes, everyone who works at Oh Hello You Beauty is fully insured.